Choka -Shreeram Shrestha
Time cycle
When the greenery spreads
Spring season
Natural glamour
Cheerful heart
Colorful dreams
Right in front of my eyes
Becoming mobile
Animated scene
By becoming oversensitive
Teases by it
Looted interest
Giving comfort
While changing time
Tied in arms
Remembering yours
Dynamic time
Becoming comfortable
Stretching the life
When becoming happy
Heavenly experiences
Embracing happiness
Positive thinking
When peace spreads
Brotherhood relationship
All in all
A sense of unity
With a smile
Conquering the death
Life is meaningful.
Trans. By Saroj Bogati
Time cycle
When the greenery spreads
Spring season
Natural glamour
Cheerful heart
Colorful dreams
Right in front of my eyes
Becoming mobile
Animated scene
By becoming oversensitive
Teases by it
Looted interest
Giving comfort
While changing time
Tied in arms
Remembering yours
Dynamic time
Becoming comfortable
Stretching the life
When becoming happy
Heavenly experiences
Embracing happiness
Positive thinking
When peace spreads
Brotherhood relationship
All in all
A sense of unity
With a smile
Conquering the death
Life is meaningful.
Trans. By Saroj Bogati